Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Here comes "Pierre Balmain", High Street Line of Balmain!

I previously talked about Balmain's high street line "Pierre Balmain". Here comes a few photos of "Pierre Balmain" first season. How do you feel about "Pierre Balmain" first season. To me, it still has feeling of "Balmain" signature. I can't say much till I have a chance to see closely. However, blazer & jacket can still impress me. Moreover, its price range is quite lovely. Tee will be approximately $120 while nightgown will be approximately $900. It's not bad, is it?

According to Grazia, Pierre Balmain plans to open free standing boutiques in Hong Kong, Milan,Paris and Rome before the end of this year. And they will also open online store around the time of Paris Fashion Week.
